You would be joining an existing team at a nearby hospital that includes another ESL teacher, two doctors, and three nurses. Over the past 3 years there has been an explosion of interest in the message of Jesus among young people. In addition to teaching English you will have the opportunity to learn Arabic, make friends, see some of North Africa’s most iconic sights, and deeply impact future leaders.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Academic qualifications:
- Ample proficiency in ESL
- Study within field of expertise (does not need to be extensive)
- C&MA Polity Course
- Missions Perspectives Course
- MLAT score of 70 or higher
- Ministry qualifications:
- Experience as an ESL teacher
- Experience in personal evangelism and discipleship
Preferred Qualifications:
- Experience in serving on a team
- The ability and motivation to learn Arabic
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Teach ESL classes full-time
- Develop outreach ministries to ESL students
- Help in the development of the ESL center
- Participate significantly in the life and ministry of the local Anglican Church
Timeline for deployment:
Once appointed, fundraising begins. Release for ticketing once fundraising and other criteria are met.
General Information:
This country is the largest and most populated country in North Africa, with a land area eight times the size of Ohio and a population estimated at 87 million people. It has the largest population in North Africa and the Middle East. The demographics of this country have significant political and spiritual implications, since 50% of the population is under 24 years of age and only 5% are 65 or older. Arabic is the language spoken by all. English is the country’s second language and most university-educated people speak English. The biggest health problems are smoking, obesity (33% of adults), diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Unemployment of youth 15 – 24 years old is 25%.
Work and Living Environment:
This city has a population of 200,000 people, but 28 villages that lie within a 10 km radius add another 200,000. It has the feel of a city, with 8 to 10 story apartment buildings lining most of the town’s traffic and pedestrian clogged streets. The noise of horns, cars and motorbikes, frequent amplified calls to prayer over loudspeakers mounted on small and large mosques, and noisy weddings and funerals fill the air until 10 or 11 pm at night, when most people eat their evening meal. This means that neither adults nor children get more than 6 hours of sleep during the night. Some make up for it by taking a break at 2 or 3 pm for “lunch,” followed by a siesta until 5 or 6 pm. Most stores in town remain open until 10 pm. For safety reasons, expatriate team members must rent apartments “on campus.”
Status of Christian Witness:
This country has a population estimated at between 86 million and 90 million, 86 – 90% of whom are Muslim. Christian leaders in this country estimate that less than 1 in 10 of people listed by the government as “Christian” follow the teachings of Christ. That translates into fewer than 300,000 Christians out of a population of 35 million.
Language Expectations:
Language is an essential part of ministry. International workers receive two years of intensive language and cultural study, followed by continued learning as you enter other ministries. The goal will be to speak, read, and write the language at a fluent level, in order to share the good news of Jesus. Working part-time teaching ESL can also enlarge the student’s circle of contacts and friends and provide opportunities to speak Arabic, but it must not crowd out scheduled classes with a tutor. As time goes on, the language student will increase his or her work hours while continuing to meet with a tutor one to two hours a week.
Health Considerations:
Team members will need to find creative ways to maintain their physical fitness. Walking or riding a bike in this city’s streets for exercise is only practical and safe early in the morning between 6 am and 7 am. Women must not walk or bike alone, but only with a partner. There are fitness clubs in town that one can join as well. Some may prefer to set up their own exercise program at home.
Expectations for Spouse:
Spousal roles vary, based on the needs of the team and the husband’s and wife’s giftings and, training. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting ministry objectives, depending on the nature of family roles, children, etc.
Children’s Educational Plan and Options:
There is an Episcopal School located nearby and teaches children from K-12th grade in Arabic. It is considered the best private school in the city. The school is currently making plans to open parallel classes in English for parents who want their children to learn in English, though it could take several years to realize. The only other option is home schooling, with or without a volunteer homeschooling helper.
Compensation Package:
This is designated a fully GCF-funded role. Please visit our Compensation page for details on how U.S. C&MA international workers are compensated. You will see there a comprehensive package that would be offered with this role covering all costs related to a monthly living allowance, housing, travel, children’s education and full benefits. GCF-funded workers share corporate responsibility for raising of GCF dollars from among Alliance churches and other possible sources.